
Food Industry

Switch Solutions for Food Industry Applications

The food industry encapsulates growing, harvesting, processing, preservation, preparation, baking, packaging, and distribution to grocery and convenience stores, bakeries, restaurants, schools, companies, and hospital cafeterias. A wide range of equipment, appliances, and devices are used in the multi-billion-dollar food industry.

E-Switch offers a large selection of electro-mechanical switches with multiple features to meet the highly regulated specifications of the food industry. Click on the food industry applications below to see what E-Switch products were used for each application and what functions they perform.

Don’t hesitate to contact E-Switch with questions about your next project. Our engineers and sales support team will be with you every step of the way.

Package Inspection

Busy Female Worker In Sterile Clothes Choosing Program On Touch Screen While Operating Manufacturing Machine Producing Packaged Food, Blurred Motion Of Technologists



Usage: Power Indicator Switch

Food safety is highly important and must follow strict agency guidelines. Various types of inspection devices and equipment are developed to make sure food product is safe during every processing step.

While a tact switch was used in this application, inspection and processing equipment can use multiple switches on an individual machine. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include pushbutton and anti-vandal.

Bread Slicer

Sliced Loaf Of Production Line


St1 Wire

Usage: ON/OFF Switch

A bread slicing machine is used to consistently cut a bread loaf into a specific number of slices, each at an accurate width. Not only does this machine reduce cost of labor, it eliminates human error and helps to control cost by delivering a consistent product each time.

While a toggle switch was used in this application, bread slicing equipment can use multiple switches on an individual machine. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include: rocker, anti-vandal, and pushbutton.

Beverage Filler


Kjd17 Wire

Usage: Start/Stop Control Switch

A beverage filling machine is used to accurately measure and dispense liquid into the prepared container, whether it be soda cans, milk, juice cartons, or bottled beverages. This eliminates human error and helps to control cost by delivering a consistent product each time.

While a pushbutton switch was used in this application, beverage filling equipment can use multiple switches on an individual machine. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include: rocker, toggle, anti-vandal, and pushbutton.

Chocolate Enrober

Production Of Chocolates


High current detector switch PP2 Series

Usage: Panel Door Open Detector Switch

Commercial confectionery manufacturers produce thousands of candy pieces per day. Chocolate enrobing can be a messy task and very time consuming to dip a single piece of candy. This type of automated equipment to accurately measures liquid product and provides a consistent chocolate coating over each piece.

While a pushbutton switch was used in this application, confectionery equipment can use multiple switches on an individual machine. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include rocker, toggle, and anti-vandal.


Food Industry Biscuit Production In A Factory On A Conveyor Belt


Pv2 Wire

Usage: ON/OFF Switch

Automated equipment efficiently manages production of cookies, crackers, and biscuits. Not only are these food items mixed, deposited, and baked, they are often packaged in a wrapper sleeve or placed in a tray by rows. A stacking machine positions the food product in place and accurately counts the precise number to go in each tray row or package sleeve.

While an anti-vandal pushbutton switch was used in this application, bakery production equipment can use multiple switches on an individual machine. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include: rocker, toggle, and pushbutton.

Dough Depositor

Producing Sweet Cookies In Factory


Web Pv4 Text

Usage: Stop/Start Control Switch

Dough depositing equipment accurately measures, cuts, and drops dough on a conveyor for baking. This automated function reduces human error and labor costs while producing a consistent product each and every time.

While an anti-vandal pushbutton switch was used in this application, dough depositing systems and equipment can use multiple switches on an individual machine. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include: rocker, toggle, and pushbutton.

Size and Package

Food Factory Packaging Cheese


Ko Wire

Usage: Security Function

The commercial production of butter or cheese products requires a well thought out production line. Butter and cheese products are formed in large quantities and cut into various portions to be packaged. The keylock switch is designed for security purposed to protect sensitive information.

While a keylock switch was used in this application, mass production systems can use multiple switches on an individual machine process. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include anti-vandal and detector.

Egg Cartoner



High current toggle switch: ST3 Series

Usage: Power ON/OFF

Sorting and packaging eggs requires a delicate process. Vacuum cups pick up the precise number of eggs to go in a specific size carton.

While a toggle switch was used in this application, vacuum systems and can use multiple switches on an individual machine. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include: rocker, anti-vandal, and pushbutton.

Pasta Portioning

Pasta Production Line


Best Snap Action switches 2024: LS Series

Usage: Light Signal Control Switch

Automation drives efficiency and accuracy in the food processing industry. Equipment in pasta manufacturing plants portions a predetermined weight into each bin to be transferred into the box packaging.

While a snap action switch was used for this applications, food processing equipment can use multiple switches on an individual system. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include: rocker, toggle, anti-vandal, and pushbutton.

Washing Equipment

Apples Sort In Warehouse


Rp8600 Wire

Usage: Control Panel Switch

Healthy eating habits have put more focus on non-processed foods such as raw vegetables and fresh fruit. These types of food items need to washed before any further handling and packaging. Automated washing equipment funnels food products through the bath process as moves to the next step.

While a pushbutton switch was used in this application, processing systems and equipment can use multiple switches on an individual machine. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include: rocker, toggle, and anti-vandal.

Tray Wrapper

Food Packing And Vacuum


TL6120 Series

Usage: Function Control Switch

Many different food products are packaged on a tray with protective clear wrapping film to keep product safe and fresh. Foods include bakery goods, cheese, meat, and seafood.

While a tact switch was used in this application, high speed wrapping equipment can use multiple switches on an individual machine. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include: rocker, toggle, anti-vandal, and pushbutton.

Industrial Mixer

Cheese Production In The Countryside


Rbw2 Wire

Usage: ON/OFF Switch

Many industries use automated equipment to accurately measure liquid solutions. This reduces human error when making dyes or other liquid solutions used in testing for diagnostic clinics, agriculture, and the production of cloth and yarns.

While a rocker switch was used in this application, mixing equipment can use multiple switches on an individual machine. As long as the switch meets the required specifications, other types of suitable switches include: toggle, anti-vandal, and pushbutton.