What Are Anti-Vandal Switches and What Are Their Uses?

An anti-vandal switch is an electro-mechanical switch designed to be installed in devices and equipment where it is susceptible to harsh use, vandalism and theft, as well as to withstand extreme temperatures and be resistant to dust and moisture.

Switches for Boating Equipment and Accessories

With the IBEX Boat Show coming to Tampa, Florida, we’ve been reviewing switches commonly used in boats and other watercraft, but we can’t forget about boating equipment and accessories. Here are some of our switch solutions for common boating equipment and accessories.

Boat, Marine, and Watercraft Switches

Whether it’s a boat you’re building, a jet ski, or even a submarine, E-Switch has the water-resistant switch solutions for your marine and watercraft applications.

Switches that Power Outdoor Concert Season

When you’re designing the devices that deliver excellent audio/visual experiences, make sure they can survive outdoor concert season by considering the vast catalog of sealed switches available at E-Switch.

Switches Used to File Taxes

If you haven’t completed your taxes yet, don’t fret. You can file for an extension and take some time to appreciate the switches that make filing taxes so much simpler.
